Oracle eBS Password Change Script

In Oracle E-Business Suite (eBS), managing user passwords is essential for maintaining security and compliance with organizational policies. Automating via Oracle eBS password change script can streamline administrative tasks and ensure adherence to password expiration policies.

We can use the following database script to change application user password. All we need is a database user like apps to connect to database and execute the following script to change the password.

SET serveroutput ON;

--define variables
v_user_name VARCHAR2(50):=UPPER('User1'); -- change it to actual username
v_new_password VARCHAR2(50):='welcome1'; -- change as needed
v_status BOOLEAN;
--api call to reset password
v_status :=fnd_user_pkg.ChangePassword (username =>v_user_name,newpassword =>v_new_password
v_status THEN
dbms_output.put_line ('The password changed successfully for the User: '||v_user_name);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Unable to reset password due to'||SQLCODE||' '||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,100));

Instructions for Using the Script

  1. Set Variables: Replace 'v_user_name‘ with the actual username for which you want to change the password, and replace 'v_new_password' with the desired new password.
  2. Run the Script: Execute the script on the server where Oracle eBS is installed. Ensure that you have appropriate permissions to connect to the Oracle database and change passwords.
  3. Review Output: After running the script, review the output to verify if the password change was successful or if any errors occurred.
Oracle eBS Password Change Script output

Notes on password change script

  1. Ensure that the script is executed securely, and passwords are not exposed to unauthorized users.
  2. Always follow your organization’s security policies and best practices for password management.
  3. Test the script in a test environment before applying it to a production system.
  4. Use this script to change password of application end users only. For system and product users password, please refer to the link.


Automating password changes in Oracle E-Business Suite using scripts helps streamline administrative tasks and ensures compliance with password policies. By following the provided script and instructions, administrators can efficiently manage user passwords in Oracle eBS environments.

Oracle eBS Password Change Script

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